
休息. 放松. 刷新.

花点时间休息会提高效率 健康的各个领域, but unfortunately, it’s often overlooked. Expectations of work, school, 和 life can make 休息ing seem impossible or unimportant. Let’s change that this year by making 休息 a priority! By taking breaks often, we are not failing, we are recharging our bodies 和 our minds. We encourage you to 休息, 放松, 并刷新 by Pressing Pause.

遵循 us all semester as we share tips in our 博客, provide tools below, 和 give away 休息ful goodies via our Instagram.


# GVPressPause


娱乐 & 健康 partnered with the Master of Public Health program at GVSU in Winter 2023 to do a photovoice project for 按暂停. Students took photos of things that helped them 按暂停 while reflecting on how pausing was important to their daily lives. Below you will find some of the student's photos 和 we hope it inspires you to 休息, 放松, 并刷新.

Photos were submitted via Jamboard 和 may effect quality of images.

girl sitting peacefully with her eyes closed with the night sky flowing through her hair



In our society, it is common to hear messages that tell us our worth equals our productivity. So much pressure is placed on us to “embrace the grind culture”. Unfortunately, this can worsen our well-being. Rest is not something that we can ignore; it's something that’s necessary for us to live well. 休息可以减轻压力, 增加浓度, 增强免疫系统, 甚至可以促进消化.

Did you know there are 7 different types of 休息?

  1. Physical (睡眠/naps, yoga, stretching)
  2. Creative (go outside, look at your favorite art, listen to new music)
  3. 精神上的 (prayer, meditation, volunteering)
  4. Mental (brain breaks, daydream, mind dump)
  5. Emotional (cut back on people pleasing, freely express your emotions)
  6. Sensory (unplug, close your eyes, find silence/darkness/coolness)
  7. 社会 (recognize how you feel in your relationships + remove negative people from them)

通过花时间休息, 你提高了你的整体幸福感, which can allow you to work better 和 be happier. We should enjoy the lives we live, which is why it’s important to take breaks throughout the day. Resting does not mean that you’re lazy or that you have no ambition; it means that you care about yourself.




A good balance of time spent on 和 off technology is beneficial to both physical 和 mental health. “不插电” likely means something different for everyone, whether it’s staying off of your phone while you’re with others, 吃饭时避免收发邮件, or spending less time on social media.

每个人都有自己的东西, 娱乐 & 健康 offers multiple opportunities to do so. Become more mindful of your time 和 better balance it with exercising, 进行有意义的对话, 花时间在户外, 参加体育运动, or anything else that enhances your overall health 和 wellbeing. Use those extra "不插电" hours each day doing something good for you, 和 just enjoy the world 和 people around you


  1. 使用一个t least the first hour in the morning to be completely present...没有滚动!
  2. 写一个手写的便条
  3. 开启免打扰功能
  4. 练习正念冥想
  5. Avoid looking at your phone during meals

# GVUnplugged





Good 睡眠 health is important for individuals to best achieve their personal, 家庭, 职业目标. 睡眠 is a vital part of well-being, but how do we know if we are getting enough 睡眠 和 how do we increase 睡眠? If you spend more than 30 minutes trying to fall a睡眠 or feel fatigued all day, it might be time to assess your 睡眠. Options to improve your 睡眠 include:

查看更多 提示和技巧 来自国家睡眠基金会.





Self-care is about more than just meeting the basic needs of human survival; it focuses on investing in your health 和 well-being through intentional behaviors. This is a lifelong process that can be experienced in many different ways, which means it’s necessary to continuously check in with yourself to assess your needs. Self-care allows you to prioritize yourself, which is why it is beneficial for your health. 这里有一些方法可以帮助你 实践:

  • 冥想
  • 和朋友出去玩
  • 睡觉(小睡很好)
  • Set boundaries (for yourself, for work/life balance, etc.)
  • Take a break (read, draw, watch a movie)
  • 锻炼 (even if it just means taking a short walk)
  • Eat nourishing foods (和 comfort foods when the situation calls for it)

Prioritizing your well-being is not selfish. Be compassionate with yourself 和 实践 自我保健.


Images (besides Unplugged/按暂停) by: 愚木混株 Cdd20 on Pixabay 和 Vecteezy


运动 康乐设计 & 健康,一个部门在 学生事务处 在大峡谷州立大学任教.

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Page last modified February 5, 2024