

摄影课程, 支持它的使命, develops liberally-educated professional image-makers and media scholars through student-centered inquiry and practice in visual communication and the history, 理论, 批评, and production of photographic images using state of the art methods, 工具及设施.

学生 are encouraged to explore a variety of photographic formats, including 35mm and 4x5 view camera, and to acquire experience in black-and-white, color, 以及数字成像过程.

请参阅 博天堂官方目录 for further information and general education requirements. For more information, consult your academic advisor.

Advising Guide for students who entered before fall 2022.

Advising Guide for students who enter from the fall of 2022 and beyond.




Working closely with a faculty advisor, students plan at least 37 semester credits directly relating to photography, + the communications core (nine credits), and the Capstone (three credits). 学生 connect photography to related fields in the visual arts, 表演艺术, 业务, 传媒及刊物, 人文学科. The emphasis of the photography program is on the students’ growth as educated picture makers who not only know photography, but also know something about themselves, 博天堂官方网页他们周围的世界, and about the culture that has shaped them. 学生 are expected to develop a working knowledge in many areas of visual communication and are encouraged to pursue elective studies in areas that provide a broad understanding of social and cultural issues and the role of the visual communicator in contemporary society.








Program 需求 f或BA 或BS degree


University General Education 必修课程





学生 take nine courses in this category, for a minimum of 37 credits

  • COM 101 Concepts of Communication  (3 学分)
  • COM 295 OR ART 222 Art History 2 (3 学分)
  • FVP 125 Media 1 (Intro to Video) (3 学分)
  • ART 149 - Introduction to Visual Composition (3 credits)
  • PHO 170 - Introduction to 摄影 (3 credits)
  • PHO 171 - Darkroom 摄影 (4 credits)
  • PHO 266 - History of 摄影 I (3 credits)
  • PHO 272 - Intermediate 摄影 (3 credits)
  • PHO 279 - Color 摄影 (3 credits)
  • PHO 366 - History of 摄影 II (3 credits)
  • PHO 375 - Studio 摄影 1(3 credits)
  • PHO 495 - 摄影 Capstone and Thesis Seminar (1 to 6 credits)


学生必须填写一份 至少12学分 在这个类别中.

Any ART or FVP course not listed above + 9 credits from the following list:

  • PHO 273 - Classic 4 x 5 摄影 (3 credits)
  • PHO 368 - Alternative Printing Processes (3 credits)
  • PHO 371 - Experimental 摄影 (3 credits)
  • PHO 373 - Advanced Digital 摄影 (3 credits)
  • PHO 377 - The Social Eye (4 credits) (offered in Fall of even years)
  • PHO 378 - Advanced Problems in 摄影 (3 credits)
  • PHO 399 - Independent Study (1 to 6 credits)
  • PHO 475 -工作室摄影2
  • PHO 490 - Internship (1 to 6 credits)
  • PHO 280/380/480 Special Topics (TBA) (3 credits)

B.A. 或B.S. 同源的需求

Both the BA and the BS degrees require 9 (nine) credits in cognate areas


The Bachelor of Arts degree in photography requires a third-semester proficiency in a foreign language of the student’s choice.


The Bachelor of Science degree in photography requires the following three courses:

  • STA 215 - Introductory Applied Statistics (3 credits)
  • COM 275 - Foundations of Communication Research (3 credits)
  • COM 375 - Communication Research (3 credits)


学生必须参考 通识教育手册 for information on General Education 需求. 

The 大峡谷州立大学 General Education Program provides a broad-based liberal education experience that fosters lifelong learning and informed citizenship. The Program prepares students for intelligent participation in public dialogues that consider the issues of humane living and responsible action in local, 国家, 以及全球社区.




PHO 170 Introduction to 摄影

ART 149 Introduction to Visual Composition

PHO 266 History of 摄影 1 

PHO 272 Intermediate 摄影 or PHO 171 Darkroom 摄影





9 - 10




21 - 22


学生 take these courses in this category, for a minimum of 9 credits:

  • PHO 170 Introduction to 摄影 (Digital) or PHO 171 Darkroom 摄影 (Film)
  • PHO 266  History of 摄影 1
  • PHO 272  Intermediate 摄影


学生 选择4门课程 从下面,为a 至少12学分:

  • PHO 273 - Classic 4x5 摄影 (Darkroom)  (3 credits)
  • PHO 279 - Color 摄影  (3 credits)
  • PHO 366 - History of 摄影 II (3 credits)
  • PHO 371 -实验B&W摄影(3学分)
  • PHO 373 - Advanced 摄影 (3 credits)
  • PHO 368 - Alternative Photographic Print Processes (3 credits)
  • PHO 375 - Studio 摄影 1 (3 credits)
  • PHO 377 - The Social Eye (Documentary) (4 credits)
  • PHO 378 - Advanced Problems (3 credits)
  • PHO 380 - Special Topics In 摄影 (1 to 6 credits)
  • PHO 399 - Independent Study (1 to 6 credits)
  • PHO 475 -工作室摄影2 (3 credits)
  • PHO 490 - Internship (1 to 6 credits)


For degree requirement questions, please consult your academic advisor in the Department of Visual and Media Arts or the CLAS Advising Center.

Page last modified November 19, 2022