MTD Student Organizations


Other performing arts student organizations can be found on Laker Link.

Theatre at Grand Valley

Photo by Jan Lewis Photography.

Dance at Grand Valley

Photo by Darren Breen

Music Student Organizations

美国合唱指挥协会(ACDA)学生分会 Valley State University. Together, we strive to expand the choral 课程超越课堂,为学生提供实践经验 students as conductors and choral educators. The purposes of this 组织形式由国家宪法规定 美国合唱指挥协会的成员,并声明如下:

1. 培养和推广合唱,提供艺术 and spirited experiences for the participants.

2. To foster and promote the finest types of choral music to make these experiences possible.

3. To foster and encourage rehearsal procedures conducive to 达到最高水平的:在音乐和艺术表演上达到最高水平的.

4. 促进合唱团的组织和发展 groups of all types in schools, colleges, and churches.

5. 促进合唱团的组织和发展 societies in cities and communities.

6. To foster and promote the intelligent understanding of choral music as an important medium of artistic expression.

7. 促进和促进合唱音乐领域的重要研究.

8. To foster and promote composition of superior quality in both music and text for all choral combinations.

9. 与所有致力于发展的组织合作 of musical culture in America.

10. 传播有关合唱音乐的专业新闻及资讯.

美国弦乐教师协会是一个全国性的专业组织 组织致力于促进弦乐器教育和性能. 作为这个组织的学生分会,我们希望加强 string/orchestra community of GVSU and area schools, provide 为GVSU的弦乐演奏者和教师提供发展机会 much more.

提供支持、成长和专业发展的机会 现在和未来的私人音乐教师通过大学和 community events and state and national MTNA conferences.

GVSU MTNA Collegiate Chapter Facebook

NAfME学院会员的目的是为学生提供 一个职业定位和发展的机会 仍然在学校,并使学生获得的理解 基本的真理和原则,在音乐中所起的作用 human life; • The philosophy and function of the music education profession; • The professional interests of members involved in the local, state, division, and national levels; • The music industry’s role in support of music education; and • The knowledge and practices 专业的音乐教育家通过分会活动来促进.

卡帕兄弟会的Mu Kappa分会,对五人的奉献 博爱的宗旨,力求同步发展 成员的品格,促进大峡谷的进步 州立大学乐队,以及整个音乐界的参与, •提供有意义的领导机会,促进 个人整体音乐素养的发展与实施 值得为整个乐队服务的项目在其多样化的方案中 and ever-changing needs; • promoting intimate fellowship amongst musicians of all fields of academic study; • upholding an honorable representation of the brotherhood; All the while guided by an everlasting commitment to the love and appreciation of music; the value of brotherhood; the equal importance of all band members; a diverse musical experience; an unwavering professional attitude; and effective, passionate leadership; for the benefit of its members and society.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is the world’s oldest and largest secret national fraternal society in music. Sinfonia was born on October 6, 1898年,在波士顿的新英格兰音乐学院,一群 十三个年轻人在奥西安·埃弗雷特·米尔斯的指导下 想想那所学校年轻男学生的社交生活吧 [and] to devise ways and means by which it might be improved." 1900年10月6日,辛福尼亚成为一个全国性的兄弟会 有一群人获准进入宽街音乐学院 Philadelphia. For over a century, Sinfonians in nearly every field of 他的学习和专业努力改变了美国的音乐. The 只要有机会,就有机会成为辛芬顿教徒 可能的人,通过对音乐的热爱,可以帮助实现 博爱的目标和理想,要么通过采用音乐作为一种 或者通过努力推动美国音乐事业的发展. 这个博爱的目的是为了最好的发展 and truest fraternal spirit; the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students; the advancement of music in America and a loyalty to the Alma Mater.

Learn more at 

Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI)

Sigma Alpha Iota是一个促进互动的组织 those who share a commitment to music. Members of SAI are active in 校园音乐与博天堂官方的各个领域密切配合 faculty, administration, campus and community groups, music professionals and patrons. In addition to personal encouragement and 支持,会员可以获得奖学金,贷款,和奖励在许多 areas and at all levels of music-related study. Sigma Alpha Iota has 长期以来被公认为音乐领域的领导者,并提供了一个 lifetime of fraternity contact. ~ SAI Website

Theatre Student Organizations

Alpha Psi Omega是一个全国性的荣誉戏剧协会 认可学生在大学阶段的杰出表现. It serves to supplement the university's theatre education with 为剧院提供额外的机会和领导力发展 students. The Phi Beta chapter hosts workshops and events throughout the year for the students of Grand Valley State. Membership is based upon participation in the university's theatre program.

Facebook and Instagram: @GVSUapo

Dance Student Organizations

MOMENTUM是一个专注于提供舞蹈的学生服务组织 experiences to the wider GVSU and Grand Rapids communities. MOMENTUM is focused on teaching excellence in technique and performance. Our 我们的目标是为学生们提供一个学习舞蹈的机会 technique and serve the community through the art of dance. This is a 结识对点亮社区感兴趣的新朋友的好方法 and sharing the passion for dance. MOMENTUM will showcase student 编舞和舞蹈在期末演出,在哪里 all donations collected will be given to the charity of the organization members choosing. 


Page last modified April 4, 2022