Wellness Information for Students

The Department of Music, Theatre, 在博天堂官方州立大学的舞蹈致力于提供信息,以支持我们所有学生的整体健康.  For general information, please consult the Recreation & Wellness website.

表演艺术专业的学生面临着独特的健康问题, including hearing wellness, neuromusculoskeletal wellness, and vocal wellness.  有关这些范畴的资料,请按以下:

一份NASM - PAMA学生信息表:噪音诱发 Hearing Loss


Your hearing can be permanently damaged by loud sounds, including music. Technically, this is called Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Such danger is constant.

Noise-induced hearing loss is largely preventable. You must avoid overexposure to loud sounds, especially for long periods of time.

-你离声音的来源越近,噪音就越大 risk of damage to your hearing mechanisms.

-声音超过85分贝(典型的吸尘器)的强度姿势 the greatest risk to your hearing.

-听力损失的风险是基于声音或响度的组合 intensity and duration.

-建议最大每日暴露时间(NIOSH)在或 above 85 dB are as follows:

     - 85分贝(真空吸尘器,1/3音量的MP3播放器)- 8小时

     - 90 dB (blender, hair dryer) – 2 hours

     - 94 dB (MP3 player at 1/2 volume) – 1 hour

     - 100分贝(MP3播放器最大音量,割草机)- 15分钟

     - 110分贝(摇滚音乐会,电动工具)- 2分钟

     - 120分贝(喷气式飞机起飞时)-没有耳保护 sound damage is almost immediate

-某些行为(在练习中控制音量) 排练,避免嘈杂的环境,调低音量) reduce your risk of hearing loss.

     - Be mindful of those MP3 earbuds. See chart above.


日常的决定会影响你的听力健康,无论是现在还是将来 in the future.

     -因为声音暴露在学校内外,你也 每天都需要学习和照顾自己的听力健康.



-如果你担心自己的听力健康,请与 a medical professional.

-如果你担心你的听力健康与 your program of study, consult Dr. Mark Williams.

保护你的听力健康:学生信息表 噪音引起的听力损失- NASM/PAMA: 2011年11月版. Mark Williams.

国家职业安全与健康研究所也 制作了一本博天堂官方网页如何降低听力风险的小册子 disorders:  Reducing the Risk of Hearing Disorders among Musicians.

A NASM – PAMA Student Information Sheet

-神经肌肉骨骼健康对你的终身成功至关重要 as a musician.



- Some musculoskeletal disorders are related to behavior; others are genetic; still others are the result of trauma or injury. Some genetic 条件会增加一个人患某些 behavior-related neuromusculoskeletal disorders.

-许多神经肌肉骨骼疾病和病症是可以预防的 and/or treatable.



在练习和排练中有规律的休息是至关重要的 prevent undue physical stress and strain.

-设定一个合理的时间限制是很重要的 that you will practice in a day.

- Avoid sudden increases in practice times.


- Maintain healthy habits. Safeguard your physical and mental health.

-日常的决定会影响你的神经肌肉骨骼健康, both now and in the future. Since muscle and joint strains and a 无数的其他伤害可能发生在学校内外,你也需要 了解更多,照顾自己的神经肌肉骨骼健康上 每天,特别是博天堂官方网页你的表演媒介和 area of specialization.

-如果你担心你的神经肌肉骨骼 health, talk with a medical professional.

-如果你担心你的神经、肌肉和骨骼健康 与你的学习计划的关系,请咨询博士. Mark Williams.

保护你的神经肌肉骨骼健康:学生信息 Sheet – NASM/PAMA, ed. Mark Williams.

An NASM – PAMA Student Information Sheet

-声音健康对所有音乐家来说都很重要,也是必不可少的 lifelong success for singers.

-了解对声音的基本护理对音乐家来说是必不可少的 who speak, sing, and rehearse or teach others.




- Sufficient warm-up time is important.

-从中音开始热身,然后慢慢向外练习声乐 pitch extremes.

-正确的姿势,适当的呼吸支撑,正确的身体姿势 technique are essential.

在练习和排练中有规律的休息是至关重要的 防止过度的身体或声音压力和紧张.

-设定一个合理的时间限制是很重要的 that you will practice in a day.

- Avoid sudden increases in practice times.


- Maintain healthy habits. Safeguard your physical and mental health.

-多喝水,以保持声带正常 lubricated. Limit your use of alcohol, and avoid smoking.

日常的决定会影响你的声音健康,无论是现在还是将来 the future. 因为声带拉伤和其他各种伤害 发生在学校内外,你也需要多学习和照顾 of your own vocal health on a daily basis. Avoid shouting, screaming, or other strenuous vocal use.

-如果你担心自己的声音健康问题,可以和医生谈谈 medical professional.

-如果你担心你的声音健康关系到 your program of study, consult Dr. Mark Williams.

保护您的声音健康:学生信息表- NASM/PAMA , ed. Mark Williams

On-Campus Wellness Resources

Injury Care Clinic

受伤护理诊所(ICC)管理护理受伤的GVSU学生,工作人员和社区成员. In order to best serve the community, 受伤护理诊所奉行“先到先到”原则, first serve" basis. Clinic services include: 

  • Injury Evaluation & Prevention 
  • Treatment and Rehabilitation of Injuries
  • Basic Taping upon Request
  • Acute Injury Care
  • Stretching Techniques
  • Professional Referrals
  • Availability of Supplies  
  • Physical Therapy (offered by NovaCare) 

Injury Care Clinic Website

University Counseling Center


  • One-on-One Counseling
  • Relationship Counseling
  • Group Counseling
  • Special Events & Seminars
  • Consultation & Referral
  • Emergency Services
  • Peer Education Program

University Counseling Center Website

GVSU Campus Health Hub


Campus Health Hub

Page last modified April 4, 2022